Evaluation of the quality of disposed wastewater in selected hospitals in Baghdad City

Document Type : High quality original papers


1 Building and Construction Engineering Department, University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq.

2 Environmental Engineering Department, University of Tikrit, Tikrit, Iraq.


In this paper, four hospitals selected in Baghdad, Al-Risafaa sector, were investigated to evaluate their wastewater quality for the target of calculating the parameters of treatment design, and the period of study was five months from January 2014 to June 2014. Moreover, the hospitals’ wastewater (HWW) creates serious environmental problems because of its contents, that it may contain viruses, poisonous medical materials such as toxic and radiation, heavy metals and normal domestic wastewaters. Therefore, hospitals’ wastewater should be separated, high carefully treated after controlled and before disposing to the surface water or city sanitary network. Additionally, a package unit of treatment plant (PUTP) is the more convenient for those hospitals has not wastewater treatment yet, so as those schools, industries, and small community accommodation areas. The main point concluded from the research, and the quality of four hospitals’ wastewater was close to that of the normal domestic wastewater excepted the toxic and radiation materials, also, we concluded that there is a variation between the quality of pollutants in the HWW during the period of study.


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